Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Not to play a 90 min..

football game one day and another the next day... even if your mind wants to, your body is not fully rested yet and hence the reactions are slow and the strength is low

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Kelvinism -

believe that you are God's chosen destined for heaven irrespective of what you do on earth.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Successful people..

act and react to requests very quickly. They donot dilly-dally, instead they react very quickly and hence, get things moving forward

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Empathy vs Inspiration

Empathising with others is great to help you love them and feel a strong connection with them. However, it is not the solution to get things done better. To get things done better, people have take the troubles and fight the road-blocks...and only then is there sweet success.

An understanding ear to my problems will not make me successful. So I have no need for such empathy. Yes it may make me feel better but in such a situation I feel that I have a greater need for motivation and role models who I can learn from and follow.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Systems should be tough so people can be soft...

At the core of the company is its performance system - everything else is build around it. Need to read-up on Egon Zender etc for more insights into this area.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

People perform only when the rules are clear...

One reason why people are having performance issues is because our people performance systems are not in place yet! Hmm, will start to build them asap! I imagine that it's like building the rules for any sport, the rule need to be clear, there needs to be some element of luck in winning, a lot of team spirit required for success and consequences for failure and victory. Most of all there should be a large, clean and simple Score Board in the middle of the office!
* Sending Monday emails... takes a whole Monday! Phew!! :)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

In the 'Real' world, you first need to 'survive'...

Great meeting Dadong today... very helpful to learn from him that the in the 'real' world things are not easy - you have to first make sure that you can just survive the short term before you can strategize and execute for the long term. It is not easy! Good to remember this! :) He is a great guy, I will love to stay more in touch with him!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Sowers and reapers...

Finally, when things start to work-out/ build-up the worker on top the building claims the success and get the hi fives. That's ok!! If you are the worker who was digging the foundations you are long gone and long forgotten - get used to this and work with this reality...

Little things count...

Little things count - but it take a lot of little things to finally add to the count! So be patient and keep at it! :)

Maintain boundaries...

To remember to read the book "Boundaries" at least once a month! What I will try to remember from the book is that I am only responsible for my emotions (eg sadness) and can not be responsible for another person's emotions (eg happiness). They are responsible for their emotions. I should always always act in a moral and ethical way but I can not hold myself responsible for someone else's feelings. I am still very uncomfortable with this idea for now, so I need to dwell on it for a while...

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Working with the world...

Remember to be very clear with non-Asians. They do not understand the Chinese whispers!
I need to tell them loud and clear that this is what exactly is expected from you. And not feel bad about this way of doing things, as this is very normal way of doing things for them. I need to get over my own feelings about the process to adapt its style to best suit the receiver.

Follow your gut...

To remember, in business, when I feel something is wrong, then something is wrong! It become clear/ real after some time. In the meantime, I need to remember to follow my instinct and not be carried away by market and media.

Is there a boundary to giving?

**What I will remember from today... struggling with setting boundaries today.

Wondering if it is better to give and give without measure and hope that it will be a happy end. Or is it better to set the boundaries of give and take upfront first and then work towards achieving them next.

I feel that, unfortunately, when I am giving I am expecting (unsaid) returns as well in the long-term and I am unable to get rid of these expectations in my head! :(

Wonder, if I should work more on my head or work more on trying a different model...